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Beginner's Guide - How to do Auric Basin Meta Event Properly

This guide is intended for use by newbies trying to do one of the finest Meta events in Guild Wars 2 - - and coincidentally also the best gold-making event with the least effort - - Auric Basin Meta event.

I will lay out a few basic rules :

  • All the octovines have to be killed  within 2 minutes of each other
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When one of the octovines is killed, all the others have to be killed within 2 minutes or the octovines will regenerate about a half of their health. It's not a big deal if it happens once, but if it happens twice there's a big chance your map isn't coordinated enough.

  •  Breachers > Frogs > Octo.

Image result for gw2 breacher

This is the law of Auric Basin you will hear every time you do the Meta event. In short, you have to, in order, kill the breachers(wurm-like mordrem who will summon even more mordrems), frogs(elite mordrem flopper - - they are annoying because they can kill large groups of people when burning octo), and octo(burning phase, you burn only when breachers and frogs are all dead).

  • Your job as an armor.
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You might have decided to take up the role of armor by entering the Exalted Armor. If so, you need to know what armor needs to do :
   - Push trigger blossoms away from people.
   - Stun frogs and rollers (Mordrem arrowheads or bone breakers).
   - Use skill 2 on octovines during burn phase so it takes more damage.

  • Prioritize golden armors over blue.

You might have noticed that in Auric Basin there are two types of armors : the golden, cool one and the blue and shoddy one. You get the blue armors freely, but golden armors are far, far better than their blue counterparts. You get golden armors from completing challenges in each lane's outpost.

  • When waiting for other lanes to finish, reduce octo's slime stacks to 5. Also, stop attacking octovines at 10% hp.

Try to reduce the slime stacks in your lane to 5 while waiting for other lanes, so you can quickly kill octo when necessary. Also, try to stop attacking when octo's hp is at 10% or you risk accidentally killing it.

That's all the basic rules in this Meta event. Of course, there are a few more advanced tricks you can employ, but those are the basics from which any newbies can quickly learn on how they can be the most useful in Auric Basin. Thanks for reading!


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